Friday 6 April 2018

Overworld expanded. (Action RPG).

So i have one last section to draw up to finish off in the tech demo. Next is completing all the caves, adding all the dynamic scenery. Bosses to finish, projectiles for enemies to sort out. Health and enemy damage to player will be put in for each.

After it will be a case of sorting out all the tilesets, re-drawing them better, getting the animations looking better and so on.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Dungeon progress..

Almost done.. i guess perhaps 50% of it has been sorted, but i never know when im really done. Doors are good (Will still be edited later on). Sound is in the code for opening.. monsters and destructible objects and chests are in just for a little showcase.. i still have traps to finish and to code in for damage to the player. Once that's sorted and i understand how that works i can then move on to making a good full set of traps for all the dungeons.

I still have my entire demo to sort out. I'm back to the cave sections, re-editing the tileset to what I'm happy with.. at the moment it still seems clunky at best. Adding depth to the caves, animations in the background, more dynamic objects is on the way for today.. so if i manage to finish a good amount for one cave set. I will edit the cave system in the tech demo, and record a full play through.

Other fixes and changes ive made are to the large monsters in the game. They now have larger shadows, other areas missing solid objects (That block monsters going places they shouldn't) have been sorted. Still working out how to get the player to fire arrows from his crossbow without ending the game in a crash.. but as they say.. all in good time.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Adding another dungeon to the game. (Action RPG).

Later on when these get a little more finalised, i will add the views to these area's, which will follow the player like The Binding of Isaac..

Tileset. The main and edges.

The open doors.

The ceilings. (-10000 depth) to allow the player to move under.

Last i have recorded a quick video in game of the dungeon in progress. A little more work to do here and there.. the mechanics for all the doors still need to be done. Boss room, regular doors that open and regular doors that require keys.. i will see about those later on.

Monday 2 April 2018

Heroquest / Game of Thrones content.

An older project with some of the characters i did last year. Unfinished.. but so far.. interesting. A new entire deck still needs to be completed for the Melisandre. The chicken card for The hound is pretty funny but make of that as you will. I will need to finish the miniature stand in's by adding shadows, and perhaps giving Ghost a different image completely to fit in better.

Dungeon tileset project. (HQ).

Forgotten in the abyss, dwelling for months and months in the dark.. is a project i was doing in Photoshop which i completed but completely forgot to post! An entire set of moss tile sets for a tabletop game, whether your into Heroquest or other. I'm sure someone will enjoy these once i have completed them.  I am looking to add additional textures, blood and so on. Then i will have the completed set posted.. i have included the tiles that i plan on putting in to the set.

Another blog for all those projects, current and on hold.

Game Maker.

So the last year or so i have been using several different versions of these game making programs to see which would be best fit to create something to pass the time when I'm free. So far, GM is the most useful to me, GML is easy to learn, the interface is pretty good. A lot of unfinished work have been drawn and animated into a project. Unnamed as of yet, but the majority of all these past projects have gone through some change to be able to be put it into one project. A lot of the ideas for this project on which kind of game to do have gone through the window, so i have started learning from starting with games relating to the NES system and some of the more loved franchises, learning to code, recreating the likes of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Bomberman and Pacman.. so.. i have done a little demo of most, which i am now building upon.

Bomberman clone tech. demo.

Pac-Man clone tech. demo.

The main game..

I have decided to try and create an action-RPG. I started off with re-creating Zelda as best as i could, i followed a course by HeartBeast for the basics, i have built more code in, on destroying walls, additional weapons, dynamic scenery that can all be destroyed, picked up and used as a weapon against monsters. Right now, i am tweaking the sprite and tilesheets of the game. Eventually i will change the colours to fit with the NES system graphics. But until i have completed the main code for the game. I will just continue until i am happy with how i want it to look. I am going for a nice blend of Final fantasy 12 and Zelda for this project. So a lot of changes will come down the line. But for now. I will keep most of these posts here for posterity. A video will be posted at some point. Perhaps in the afternoon tomorrow.