Sunday 2 September 2018


Ok. So here, the shadows below all the walls (main rooms) have been added. Shadows from inside the rooms that are passing all room walls have been deleted and sorted out. The areas on the board needing sorted due to the obvious lines that separate one tileset from another, blended those and made it seamless. Best I can do it. Made the whole board sharper so it wasn't too dull. For the corridors and edges of the board. I added a slight lighting to it. The rooms are darker, but not too sure if adding any lighting to them would be better or not..

I might add more details to the board, weapons, rocks etc. But I'm still trying to do it right, I dont want to ruin the board.. so I'll keep trying it until I can master it a bit better.

The size of this has been halved as to be uploaded here.. its 3700 by 2704. Around 20MB. The actual size sits now at.. 7800 by 5700. 90.6MB. So its pretty large. But looking much better.

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